
在任何领域,想要做好最重要的事情就是你应该熟悉该领域的相关工具,设计领域的Adobe Photoshop是相当完美的工具,因为你可以利用这个软件很容易的创造许多图象。不仅如此,你还可以在一个漂亮的理想的方式中管理文本,因为Photoshop支持这类功能。我想说,文本和Photoshop工具可用于创建一些令人惊异的和创造性的图象。如果你能够在你的设计项目中呈现文本,意味着你拥有真正专业的技能,现在通过以下文字效果教程你也可以很容易做到这一点。


Purple Glow Text Effect

Ridiculously Realistic Scorching Fire Effect!

Fabric Text Effect

Learn to Create Stuffed Text Effect

Create a Glass Text Effect in Photoshop Using Layer Styles

Old Decorated Metal Text Effect

Wrapped Gift Box Text Effect

Create Glossy Plastic 3D Text in Photoshop CS5 Extended

Create a Sports-Themed Text Effect in Photoshop Using Layer Styles

Create a Candy Flavored Text Effect in Photoshop

Creating The Heroes Poster Text In Photoshop

how to create an awesome burning text effect in photoshop

Creating The CLOVERFIELD Text Effect In Photoshop

Colorful Stuffed Text Effect

Create BurningTypography with Sparkles Effect in Photoshop

Super Fast & Easy Way of Creating Fur (or Hair) Text In Photoshop

3D Balloons Text Effect

Create a Burning Metal Text with Melting Effect in Photoshop

Design a Snowy Arctic Text Effect in Photoshop

Create an Artistic Metal Text Effect in Photoshop

Quick and Easy Slimy Text In Adobe Photohshop

Quick & Easy Candy Cane Text

Creating Laser-cut Text

3D Ribbon Wrapped Text Effect

Aurora Borealis Typography Effect

Sweet Cookies Text Effect in Photoshop For Beginners

The Twilight Effect In Photoshop

Perfect Gold Text Effect in Photoshop

Cool Unusual Text Effect

Realistic, Aged Cloud Text Effect Using Photoshop Brushes

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